241sie all winter long
So Solstice AND full moon on June 21st was amazing. For us on the bottom side of the earth this means that our days are getting longer and spring is not too far away. We still love winter in the Bay of Islands and to celebrate it we are ones again running our winter Special 241’sie. So make sure you wear your ONSIE when you come Parasailing with us and receive a 241 deal, but yes you ALL need to wear your ONSIES. This world famous deal is valid up until September 3oth 2019.
Use promocode: 241sie for this awesome deal
Bring on Winter!
On another note our amazing Skipper Jonny is finally back on our boats after a bad knee infection that broke him for 2 weeks. We are so glad you’re back Jonny. His first customers felt so sorry for him and brought him coffee on his first trip back. Too sweet!
Our fabulous marketing girl (me) had a bit of a 2 seconds of fame yesterday. Let me know what you think? Check our our facebook page for the 100% pure New Zealand video 100% pure new zealand video
Hope you all stay snug as a rug out there in the southern hemisphere and get cool in the pool on the northern hemisphere.
Much Aroha (love)